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Summary of Question:Why People Hate Muslims
Date Posted:Thursday, 7/04/2002 9:50 PM MDT

First of all i would like to say this site has helped me a lot with understanding a little about sikhism thank u for providing this site to us youths. About a year ago i come in contact with muslims and one of them i really liked and the other was a really good friend. My parents didn't approve with liking one of them because he is muslim i thought that was quite unfair to say something like that. Nether the less i still went ahead and saw him and recently they found out and they were not happy. But i can understand that but the basis is that there is no future so why go ahead with something that has no future. But my question is that doesn't life tell us to accept a person for who he is and not for his background or what his parents do but for what type of person he is weather he is kind, generous. I am very confused my dad and my brother seem to have strong view points that muslims are bad but i know in my heart these two are not they care for me in a way that no-one cared before they are both like my best of friends. I can tell them anything and they won't judge my family or me. Is it wrong to be friends with people that everyone seems to have a problem with or should you trust your own judgement. i am a mature 19 year old and have done alot in life for my family but i don't find they are thinking openly for me. My dad has been abroad for now 30 years and my mum for 20 years they know the type of culture abroad has. My brother only joined us 5 years ago and for himself he can be broad minded but for me he is narrowminded. I feel my dad wants me to live life through his morals and beliefs. They also all agrree that the guy is a nice guy i am very confused why do people have such hatred towards muslims. I am sure there are indvidual sikhs who are not perfect please help me understand how are we went to think. I don't like going against my parents but what i believe is strong. Thank you for your help in this matter

It is very difficult for the older generation to forget the past, and not still feel the deeply ingrained prejudice based on a long history of persecution. It was the Mugals and then the Muslims who, several hundred years ago, were the tyrants. But that is history, it's over and done. As we approach this new Aquarian Age, people of all races and religions must learn to respect and appreciate each other without anger and resentment for whatever happened in the past. As I said, it is harder for older people to change their belief system. Elders have always thought that they know what is best for their children, and sometimes they do, but sometimes they don't! Hating anyone is contrary to what Guru Nanak taught, and contrary to the spirit of the Sikh faith, which recognizes One God who breathes in every body! So long as your Muslim friends are not trying to convert you, I see no reason why you can't be friends. Just remember, however, when it comes to marriage, if both people are not of the same religion, it causes problems that are really hard to deal with. (Just thought I should mention that! that may be the reason your family doesn't want you to have anything to do with Muslims.) I suggest you read some Sikh history, and that will help you better understand your parents' attitude. Also, keep in mind that brothers (and parents) are very protective of sisters - God bless them! May God and Guru bless you to continue to live in open hearted light of the Holy Nam.SP

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