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Summary of Question:Scriptures
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 6/06/2002 4:30 PM MDT

HI, one day i woke up late and i kinda felty bad doing japji sahib and so i just turned my thoughts to the guru to ponder over god. Anyway that day i picke dup my nitnaam bani and i was going throught it to fing stuff on wgat i was unsure about in life. Like meat, cuttign hair, drugs etc. Bu ti found some things i didnt understand and so i wanted to ask u :) Ok so firsty Guru gobind Singh Ji keeps using these phrases. The 3 worlds??? also the 14 worlds??? i thought this might mean the seven skys and the 7 continents. But i dont reall y know an d was curious on what he meant.

Ok also in was reading through Chupai and it saysbrahma, having four faces has proclaimed that " none is like God. none is like God" I dont understand becausew i thought hindus believed that krishna was god then he appeared as Bramha the creator, shiva the destoyer and the othe ri cant remeber but if this is the case then why dont hindu peopel support this fact the these men were not god ??
ALso in Anand sahib it says the ways of the true devotees are distinct and seperate. they travel by a difficult road
they follow the path, which is sharper then a sword and finer then a hair? i wa sjsut wondering what this meant, like is it that the true siants are awake and have to fight against maya? like a difficult road to god. what do u htink?
Also sorry for this but what does it mean when they say the true guru? Meaning the guru granth sahib, or can a person also be a true guru. I do kinda know but i just thought that a true guru was one who showed people the right path so a normal guy could be one. But i know wihtout the blessing on the gurus god cannot be achieved.
Sorry for sucha lond question, thankz :)


Sat Siri Akal.

Well-can't help with all your questions, but can help with some.

1. 3 worlds and 14 worlds. The guru uses alot of poetic analogy, and I'm sure this refers to something. But I tend to just mentally substitute "the dimmensions of reality we know and the dimmensions we don't know" whenver it gets into these poetic devises and not worry about the literal meaning.

2. Brama and the four faces. Again-a poetic devise. The Gurus were not so concerned about represnting other mythology correctly, as using the symbols of those mythologies to express a new vision of "God." Remember that religious symbolism is based in myth. Whether any of these people are real, whether or not the events actually happened isn't nearly so important as the symbolism that they're trying to express. So-try to read the Guru's bani as inspiration spiritual wisdom, not exact historic fact.

3.The path is sharper than a sword and finer than a hair. I think your reading is excellent. The true saints are awake and have to fight against maya. You know-one of the most difficult mayas to break through is spiritual maya. Sometimes, when people begin walking a spiritual path, they inject their ego, insecurity, pride, aggression and agendas into their spirituality. And spirituality actually becomes a justification for their ego. So to truly walk the path is to remove all obstacles-including spiritual pride, spiritual ego, spiritual attachment, spiritual lust and spiritual anger. That path is very diffictul to walk.

4. The True Guru is an aspect of God. Let's look at the words. Sat. Truth. Guru-that which takes us from darkness to light. Honestly, I would translate the phrase, "Sat Guru" as "Guru of Truth" instead of "True Guru" because "True Guru" makes it sound like there's this one "thing" that is the Guru. Whatever takes you from darkness to light is the Guru. The Guru moves through all things-but is not perfectly embodied in any one thing. The Siri Guru Granth Sahib is the closest humans have to a perfect Guru because there's no personality of a teacher to get in the way and mess up the message. However, it isn't the words on the page that awaken you. It's something inside of you that awakens Itself in the presence of those words. God is in your heart. The Guru lies within you. The Siri Guru Granth Sahib is the vehicle by which that living Guru in you can speak to you and guide your life.

I hope this answers your questions. God bless.


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