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Summary of Question:How To Stop Worrying
Date Posted:Monday, 12/19/2005 1:44 AM MST

Sat Sri Akaal

I worry alot and I knwo it doesn't solve any purpose. For instance, these days I am trying to get addmission and visa for US, hence i am soo worried that I just cannot stop thunking about it. If i will get addmission or If my visa will get rejected and how will I support myself in US. All Such things ,and more.
Is there any way I can stop worrying ? There must be some SHABAD that can help me.I want my prayers to be heard but what if I don't get what I am expecting.
I donno why I worry so much .


(REPLY) Sat Nam. Worrying is praying for something you DON'T want! Worry is a form of fear. Fear is the opposite of Faith. So, best thing you can do is remember that all things come from God and all things go to God, and everything that happens is God's will, and do your best, take whatever actions are appropriate to achieve your goals, but remember that ultimately, God's will prevails. Worrying is a habit of the negative mind. You can change habits by substituting a positive habit for a negative one. So, try some positive affirmation,and when a worrying thought comes in, replace it with the flip side of the statement! Create in your mind the thing you want, not the thing you fear. Get it? Thank God in advance for providing you with all that you need. I strongly suggest that you chant to Guru Ram Das (any of the shabds we've mentioned often on this website) and instead of wasting your time in worry, spend that time in meditation/chanting and positive prayer. Change your vibratory frequency by chanting God's Name. Remembering God's Name is the main message, practice, and power we have been given by our Gurus all the way through from Guru Nanak and finally embodied in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. May God bless you and Guru guide you to fulfill your highest destiny. SP

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