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Summary of Question:Reply To Wuv(2Orginalposter) & To Others
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Thursday, 3/31/2005 8:04 PM MDT

Okay this is not a exact question or what ever in that matter. HOwever it is a reply to the girl that asked about Marring a Non-amrithdhari when she is a amritdhari...In most cases and depending on your traditions no you are not SUUPPOSE to OR hAVE to marry a amritdhari...But most cases some famillies believe it is best for the person and for later future.

About love...Honestly, at the age of 16 or 18 it is just lust most of the time b/c most kids do not realize what life is about or what it holds over all. therefore, they call love something thats based upon love. So to all the females and males out there... Please, do not say those three special words to just anyone you come across those three words are precious-precious enough to make your world a better place and a happier place. Once you hit the college-stage or working-stage then you realize is in life and what it is about. THat is wen you see the real-world out there! So please hold off on things like that and be ready for it when you know you can handle the sacrifies and work you have to put into it. Love is not something that is easy to do it is very complicated and takes much time...I hope this helps you out a bit...
And another comment on the person who talked about the way she had spelled the word love aka Wuv. uh.... Mister? WHO CARES! Its the internet and everything goes. It is not like she is writing an email to the governer or the president of some country. SHe is just trying to get some questions cleared up. Get a grip! She shouldnt worry about growning up becoz you need to grow up a bit yourself. the internet has a language of its own. That is the first step to being on the web. Understanding the language! Everyone in this world have found different ways and shortcuts to writing or typin on the web. The first requirement to going on the web and mingling with others sometimes does mean to SHORT CUT! the way a person types on the web helps another understnad the persons personality. DUHHHH! I abreivate and half spell words all the time when i am just asking questions or communicating with friends. Losen up! Even though i can do that i still manage to keep ma grammer and writing skills up! ^_^ =0) HA!
oh yeah, and i am an adult not a baby... so that means since i type like her-i have not mature either?????????????
(REPLY) Sat Nam. Thanks for your comments. I respectfully disagree with your point of view about internet slang, but I honor your right to express it. Language reveals the state of mind of the speaker/writer. You can abbreviate all you want, but one of the tragedies of modern slang is the loss of graceful communication. As Sikhs we worship the WORD. Words carry a vibratory frequency that either elevates or lowers both the listener/reader and the speaker/writer. If we're careless in speech, it means we care less. Nuff said. SP

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Reply To Wuv(2Orginalposter) & To Others (03/31/2005)
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