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Summary of Question:Why Sri Grath Sahib Ji At Various Places Asks Us To Do Nam Simran Detaching From
Date Posted:Thursday, 5/06/2004 1:39 AM MDT

I read Drabar sahib Hukam everyday & occasionaly take cyber hukumnama also. Now & then I have been directed to follow the path of simran and leave the attraction of family. But then why we are put in the family system if we are to detach ourself from everything. Why doesn't the world end up and everything is jungle gain. keeping away from bad deeds is understood but why away from family attractions and good living. Please guide

(REPLY) Sat Nam. I think probably the translation using the word "detached" is not what was intended. Rather it would be more accurate to explain that we should be non-attached (rather than de-tached, or separated from) our families and daily lives. In other words, as Sikhs, we don't run away from the world and our responsibilities. We are not advised to go sit in caves and meditate all day. Instead, we are told by our Guru to be kind, courageous, righteous, and disciplined, and thus we can make the world a better place! We can enjoy the love of friends and family, so long as we always, always keep in mind (by reciting Naam, reciting Banis, reading from the Guru) that everything in the world is temporary, and therefore we keep everything in proper perspective. That's my opinion! blessings, SP

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Why Sri Grath Sahib Ji At Various Places Asks Us To Do Nam Simran Detaching From (05/06/2004)
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