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Summary of Question:Love
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Sunday, 6/09/2002 12:41 PM MDT

My friend now has been going out with a boy she met for over a year now, to some people that would seem fine but in her case it is not. Her family is amrithari and the boy is not. She has confided in me that she is very unsure and has been for quite a while on wether she plans to take amrit, she also says that she is very much in love with her boyfriend and both wish to marry. but the main problem is her parents will they approve of this? is this even allowed between the two of the families? but even if she hasnt took amrit would this matter at all? I am very worried and unsure on the advice that i should be giving her on wether she should end the relationship before something happens or for her to carry on the way she is. please direct me in the right direction so that i able to give the right advice to my friend.

My dear, do not worry. We are not a caste of Khalsa as the Hindu's have castes. We are Sikhs of the Guru. We should not be discriminating as to who has taken Amrit and who has not. We live to inspire ourselves and others to the excellance of a soul in human body as taught by our Guru.

However strict her family may be, she should discuss her concerns with one of her parents. Encourage her to speak and to share her concerns about Amrit and her feelings about marriage. You must be assuming that her parents will not be understanding. At least she should start by opening her dialogue with them. Family's can work things out. Even if they react at first, at least give the chance for the communication to start. If no one speaks a word, then one is only guessing what is really in the heart of another. Better to say a prayer to God and Guru and face her parents. Slowly, but surely give this a chance.

God bless you for caring.

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