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Summary of Question:Harmandir Sahib
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 2/06/2003 10:57 AM MST

i just wanted to ask wether there was anything that could be done about the golden temple. i have noticed on my visits there that every time i go older marble carvings and engraved stories have been replaced with plain marble slabs. this is letting the sikhi slip away from the gurdwaras grasp. is there nothing that can be done to replenish the marble pictures instead of replacing them with plain slabs.

Hmmmmm. I have noticed this as well. The old marble work was infinitely more ornate and detailed. Seems like the artisan's have all died off or have retired.

However, the good news is that the Golden Temple has been declared by UNESCO a National Treasure. This means that the entire Temple and surroundings will be refurbished to a higher standard and made more beautiful and accessible to all.

God bless you, SKKK

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