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Summary of Question:Reply To Get Married
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Sunday, 7/20/2003 6:59 PM MDT

This is a reply to the 27 year old Dr.

Sir, as the moderator said, YOUR 27. As far as society goes, your a grown adult, and have the right to make your own decision. Also, your a doctor, so i can safely asume your an intelligent man. Pls think about this before leavingthe one you Love.
Love is a strong word. If you are willing to leave the person you "love" in your situation, then you dont really love her do u.
Also, you said there are better girls than this girl u want to be with. HOW R THEY BETTER? jus cause they are slimmer, have a better figure, or looks. It doesnt make them better (dont get me wrong, im not saying they are worse, but im the choice of words given was wrong).
In the end, even if u do go with a so called better girl. Will you be happy? will she be happy? a wise man once said "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" if you truly luv someone. Then no-one else in this world is BETTER than them. "would you ever say someone elses mother, is better than yours?"
What is your parents concern? is is her size? is that it? if so, tell them that they are only looking at the external beauty. If she is a gursikh (i think thats wat you said) then she would be a wonderful girl. What if you marry someone who is gorgeous but has no respect for your family? what then?
Please look into these issues before making a decision.
also - 10 years is a VERY long time.

Take care, good luck and god bless u

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