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Summary of Question:Very Important - How Difficult Is Life In Usa For A Sikh?
Date Posted:Friday, 11/22/2002 3:39 PM MST

Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh,

I am a student at Ohio State University and have come to USA this august,I find that in 55000 students in this university there are only 3 "puran" sikhs and I am told that all the other cut-surds who are here come as puran sikhs but with time cut their hairs.I want to know from all those working here and living here that is it very difficult to survive in US professionally for the Puran sikhs as I see that sikh men are cutting of their hair at the speed of light.

I also have another link question and that is do sikh girls in USA and Canada really hate men with turban and full beard as I see 99.99% girls asking for clean shaven sikhs.What is it that the older sikhs are doing in this regard?

I want an answer for these two questions as I am at the point where I will complete my studies and start working and get married to a woman and get settled.

1.I don't want to be made a scapegoat in professional front and better I return to India.
2.I don't want to marry a woman who will marry a puran sikh only because she can't get a clean shaven one or because her parents force her to do so.

For both the above 1. I will not cut my hair
2. Why should I be a second choice.

I hope you see the importance of my question as many of my sikh brothers are in this dilemma and would like an answer.


Parminder Singh


Gosh Parminder Singh, your questions are very relevant and heartfelt.

I guess the most important thing to look at is your commitment. I know you have to be practical, but I think it can be done...keeping your turbin and beard. I am a "converted" Sikh, which means I was not born a Sikh. I wear a turbin every day and wear modest, mostly white clothes in all situations (except when I am doing dirty work, etc). People respond very positively to me. I have been discriminated against, but it is much better now. I have found that as long as I am true to my belives and commitment, the Guru supports me and carries me through all the hardships and challenges.

I do live around other Sikhs, which makes it easier. We have a little community with a Gurdwara. But, I know other Gursihs who are isolated and do fine. We represent many programers, medical doctors, accupuncturist, chiropractors,attorneys, nurses, business men and women, artists, counselors, musicians, teachers...and they all wear their turbins and keep their hair. My son was told that he could not be a paramedic in Florida with a beard, because he could not be a seal on the gas mask. He moved to New Mexico, where that is not a rule and is currently working for two ambulance services...with his turbin and beard. He would not succomb to pressure and the Guru covered him.

It might help to move to a city where there are other Sikhs who keep their turbins and beards, like Vancouver, Yuba City, Los Angeles, San Francisco. But, I repeat that the most important thing is your commitment to your self. Guru will be there for you.

Now about a wife. Choose a wife who wants to be a Gursikh herself. Ask the Guru to bring you such a woman. There must be young Gursikh women who want that for themselves and want to find a man who wants to live as a Gursikh himself and bring their children up as Gursikhs.

I hope this helps. In His Name and Love, GTKK

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