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Summary of Question:Psychics And Sikhi...What To Make Of It?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 5/03/2002 6:41 PM MDT

Waheguru Je Kha Khalsa, Waheguru Je Ke Fateh:

As an amritdhari Sikh, I am constantly yearning to learn more about our faith. One of the issues that I have struggled with due to circumstances that have taken place in life, is death. After a losing a loved one, one usually tries to comfort another by telling them "they will always be with you." I always thought that those were just words of comfort that people said to one another to make them feel Sikhi we are taught that either you are reborn into the cycle of births or become one with God, depending upon how you lived your life on this earth.

But recently, my understanding and belief system has been somewhat challenged by a few people who claim to be able to communicate with the other side...that is those in the spirit world.

Here in the United States, there is a famous man by the name of James Van Praagh who has spent much of his life bringing comfort to families who have lost loved ones. I remained very skeptical of Mr. Van Praagh until I read his books at the suggestion of a close family friend...they brought an enormous amount of comfort to me as his views on the soul, mind, and body do not differ all that much from what is written in Gurbani (I could be wrong on this of course). I guess what astonishes me is how he is able to provide such intricate details that only a person's family or other loved one, friend, relative, etc. could know. He comes across as a very genuine man and while I remain skeptical, there is that part of me that just thinks..."what if " this man really does have this ability? How could he know the things that he does?

So I guess what I'd like to know is even though Guru sahib has written about how we shouldn't beleive in such things, how should one view mediums such as Van Praagh from a Sikh's point of view? Bear in mind that I am not referring to the "Miss Cleo's" of the world, but the real thing, or is it? Please don't think I'm crazy. This is something that's been on my mind for some time and any light that you could shed on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for your time.

Waheguru Je Kha Khalsa, Waheguru Je Ke Fateh


Sat Nam. Guru speaks the Truth. You have stated it correctly -- either a person merges with Akal Purkh or is reborn. En route to the next destination, a soul can be trapped in between. If we truly love someone who has left his/her physical body, we would not try to keep them from reaching Home. There are many realms inbetween Earth and Akal Purkh. Our personal desire to keep someone with us could keep that soul from liberation, or from the opportunity to merge with the Infinite. That is why we chant AKAAL when someone dies, so that they are NOT caught inbetween somewhere, unable to move on to what is their proper destiny. That is why excessive weeping and wailing is not the Sikh way of blessing the departed soul. Our earthly attachment, our emotion and commotion is not the Guru's intention. Of course we mourn, that is human, but to try to keep the "person" with us is selfish and interferes with the intended release of the soul from the bondage of the lower planes. Comfort must come from fond memories, and blessings and prayers for the departed soul's liberation and freedom. I believe that Faith in God's will, and surrender to that will is the attitude of a Gursikh. Valid or not, psychics dilute and pollute our faith. Attachment is not love. Love is when we wish the best for the other person, even if it means we sacrifice our own personal desires. Ultimate happiness, fulfillment, joy comes when we experience our own Infinity, and are no longer bound by human attachments. Meanwhile, of course we should love our families and cherish our friends, but never be "attached" to them, recognizing that this life on earth is a temporary experience given us to pay our karmas, and consciously unite with God. Blessings with love, SP

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