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Summary of Question:Finding It Hard To Be My Normal Self.
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 10/27/2007 5:33 PM EDT


I'm having real trouble at the moment concentrating on my studies and I think I might be depressed. I am in my final year of my degree and I am finding it so difficult to control my mind and apply it to studying, are there any prayers I can do to help me focus my energy on academia instead of daydreaming evey waking moment? I feel as if my body energy has become mis-aligned or something, I'm not myself, I find it hard to get to sleep (it can take me 3 hours), wake up on time, or even just get out of bed, I feel as if there's something holding me back.

I also have frequent suicidal thoughts, they just pop into my head without warning. I'm trying to eat more healthily and I do my japji sahib and rehraas every day. Is there anything that will a) help me with concentrating? and b) get rid of my depressive thoughts? I don't want to go to a Doctor, who'll probably just prescribe me something that'll take weeks to work and leave me even more sedate. This is an incredibly important year for me and I feel like time is slipping through my fingers like sand, and I'm jsut sitting there not doing anything about it. I'm alreadyy waaaaaaaaaaay behind with my workload and really I'm just making things harder for myself in the future, I feel like something inside of me has got lost. I tried watching a really sad film the other day, to prompt an emotional response, and I couldn't even sigh! When usually I'm crying all the way through. I find it impossible to concentrate whilst Im doing my path.

I know God is there for me but something has happened to me, at first I thoguht it was because I was stressed because of it being the last year of Uni. But I feel as if there is a permanent brick wall around me preventing me from taking any action and keeping all of my destructive thoughts inside.

BTW I have no intention of killing myself but I need a way of controlling my thoughts so I can carry on with my studies, and also to help prevent this from happening in thefuture.

Hope you can help,

Dear one,
You sound very tired and worn. You are a beautiful soul with good training to give yourself the gift of blessing and bathing in your own light every day.

Try doing some things for yourself which are fun or nurturing. Get a massage. Take yourself for a walk for fun and look at the SKY. Take a day off from work and studies and relax with yourself or family and friends, Take a bath, get a facial. SMILE!!!! Be grateful.

Turn off your monkey mind because your pressure load is so great. What do you do for yourself to be healthy and relaxed? I suggest you do your evening Rehiras while you briskly walk through the park with your arms swinging...not carrying anything but with full relaxed concentration. Get your body moving and throw off the toxins that accumulate in your kidneys and lymphatic system from sitting all day. Get your endorhans going to combat the depression. Tell your monkey mind to 'bug off'. Then smile a big smile and say THANK YOU GOD FOR THIS CHALLENGE and say this 3 times every day at the end of your walking meditation.

Have fun and let God in!!!!


Here is a perfect personal practice for you to develop a clear perspective on your life.
Each morning (after group sadhana...this is personal) take a hukam from Siri Guru Granth Sahib.
Read it in the language that you can understand deeply. Let the words of the Guru guide you for the day
and give you clue's for what you must attend too. Do this daily and you will develop a great relationship
with this TRUE friend.

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