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Summary of Question:Relegions Other Than Sikhi And Gods Divine Plan
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 12/20/2002 12:30 PM MST

dear brothers and sisters,wjkk wjkf

this is in relation to another post i put forward.however,i didnt get the response i wished for(humbly) and i would really appreciate a good answer(well one which answers my question to the best of ur knowledge) on the subject of other relegions,and rather than concentrating on islam(which was my initial post) i wish to ask about other faiths too.
i know relegion/dharam came about in certain periods of time in the world to deal with people of that time(to overcome darkness in history waheguru ultimately send down a messenger to remind man of his purpose in life,etc)
why,then,do we have relegions which are very narrow minded in the sense that they feel only people of their faith will go to heaven(and i have read several quotes from the holy koran which clearly state kafirs i.e non muslims will go straight to hell PERIOD!) and why is it god would contradict his own teachings a few years later(when sikhi was born.) iam real confused over the role relegion has in people and if we are all one,why other relegions dont seem to think so too(and if their teachings back it up,doesnt that make god contradictive in his teachings to mankind?(i mean no offence by this,plz forgive me if i have.))
wjkk wjkf

(REPLY) Sat Nam. I think of it this way: God created all kinds of flowers and plants, as well as weeds. God gave human beings the power of choice, and set things up according to cosmic laws, including the law of Karma. So, to each his own. God didn't use a cookie cutter to make us all think and feel and worship the same way. God is Infinite, which means all inclusive, including both good and bad. Not is not a "person" who is judging how we behave, G O D is that energy or consciousness, or Intellligence in which we all live and dwell, and interact, making choices and playing out our roles and paying off our karma until we realize that through chanting God's Name, we can merge with God. Some will take many lifetimes to reach that. Why do you think that Guru Nanak told us to respect all religions? He understood that different people have to have different experiences at certain times and places.

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