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Summary of Question:Seeking A Perfect Life...
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Saturday, 1/04/2003 5:02 PM MST

I’m a Sikh male, almost finished my studies and have plans of settling down straight after I made a successful courier for myself. My family have very high hopes for me and have giving me everything that I could wish for and more, I feel like I am obliged to make them happy..and that involves finding a lovely Sikh woman to marry. The only problem is that I’m from a small town (S.W of U.K)that has very few ethnic families, non are which are Sikhs. As I have grown up in this environment I have lost touch with my “Indian ways” and don’t have the ability to speak or partly understand Punjabi. At my Uni (North London) I have been called names such as “coconut” and find it hard to mix with other asians, and I lack confidence speaking to a Asian girls. I aint scared of meeting a Sikh girl, but her family I am knowing that I wouldn’t understand them when spoken to! What do I do…I even pictured myself never getting married because of this situation L


Sat Siri Akal.

Dear L,

Sikh Matrimonials is one way that you can search for the partner you're looking for. SikhNet began this service exactly for young people such as yourself who are truly looking for a Sikh mate but don't know where to find one or how to initiate contact. My suggestion is that you put a listing up on Sikh Matrimonials and maybe take a look at some of the other listings and let Guru be your guide.

As far as speaking Punjabi, if you are serious about it - you can always learn it. Start with this website: and see if that can help you. In the meantime, know that even if you can't speak Punjabi very well, there are other ways to communicate with your future in-laws- even through a translator. It's all in Guru's hands and the woman who has the destiny written or her forehead to be with you - you two will surely find one another.

All love,

Ek Ong Kaar Kaur

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