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Summary of Question:Salvation Without Amrit
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Sunday, 7/25/2004 4:27 AM MDT

Vahiguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vahiguru Jee Kee Fateh

It is not the prerogative of readers of this forum to generally question the responses of the moderators, as they have been doing a great job. Thank you moderators for your seva.

However, there are times when as mere mortals, we all make mistakes. If one of the readers does point that out, I would request, with folded hands, for the moderators to accept that and move on with their wonderful sewa.

In the specific case here, Sundeep Singh has adequately addressed the issue which moderator DKK overlooked. However, HSDs intervention makes the whole issue muddled all over again.

Let us, as mere mortals, refrain from getting into issues as to "who gave Guru Nanak, Amrit". One is on very slippery slope when one goes into these issues -


1. Pitta Kaaa Janam Kya Janeah Puut - Guru Nanak in his fifth mahal as Guru Arjan has told us very clearly that what does a child know about the birth of his father? Similarly what does a Sikh know about the birth of his Guru? and where he got his blessings from.

2.There is no difference between Guru Nanak Sahib and Guru Gobind Singh. Guru Gobind Singh, in his Guru Nanak in his tenth mahal. The proof of this is not what I am saying but what the Bhatt Bani in Sri Guru Granth Sahib is "commanding".

Let us not forget that this is "youth forum" where clear cut straight forward answers ought to be provided.

No matter what we title ourselves, we are not Sikhs (leave aside *GurSikhs*), till the Guru is pleased with us and MAKES US HIS SIKHS. (This is a title, a blessing which he grants, not what we title ourselves with). Guru Gobind Singh has commanded us to take the "Khande Da Pahul", and it is our duty as aspiring sikhs to follow his commands.

The Same Guru who has commanded us in his tenth mahal to take the Pahul has also commanded us in his fifth mahal NOT TO HAVE A DESIRE FOR SALVATION. "Raaj Naa Chahoo, Mukt Naa Chaaoo, Maan Charan Kaamal Kee Preet..(Ank 534, Sri Guru Granth Sahib) but to only seek the sanctuary of the feet of the Almighty. (Therefore, HSD your mixing up the concepts of Khande Da Pahul, with Amrit, then Naam and finally salvation produces a complete muddle for a seeker)


There are millions of philosophies in the world that talk about creator, creation and how to merge with him. Guru Nanak Sahib in his fifth mahal has told us that we are not hindus or muslims (ank 1136, Bhairo), in his tenth mahal he has commanded us that "Meah naa Ganesha Pritam Maanao..I do not give supremacy to Ganesh or follow krishna...(Dasam..). At the same time he has commanded us to take Khanda Da Pahul so he helps us merge with the Akal Purakh.

Will others merge with the Akal Purakh without Khande Da Pahul?

This is such a loaded question, that I a mere ant in the creators creation cannot answer as I did not make the other faiths or the minds of the people who follow those faiths.

Only the Akal Purakh has the answer to this.

Meanwhile, My Guru, Guru Nanak in his tenth mahal has commanded me to take Khande Da Pahul. That is all I need to do. Period.


Hargurmit Singh
[email protected]


Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.

Dear Hargumit Singh.

Thank you so much for sharing this perspective with our forum.

Many blessings.


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