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Summary of Question:Shabad Hazarey
Date Posted:Tuesday, 5/02/2006 3:15 PM MDT

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am missing my parents very much. I want to see them, meet them and bring them to my home. My husband hates my parents so he refuses to bring or invite them home. I wanted to know whether I can recite Shabad Hazarey to fulfill my wishes and desire of bringing my parents to my place to stay for couple of months. My In-laws especially my sister-in-law does everything to brainwash my husband's mind against us. They threaten and emotionally blackmail my husband against me and my parents. Please provide me some banis or chants to fulfill my wishes.

Last year, my husband and his folks spoiled our Rajasthan trip by creating a lot of bitterness, fights and with lot of screaming bouts, but this time, I want to take my parents to Rajasthan, Gwalior and HP in India. Please guide me on some bani or rehiras or shabad to chant for my wish fulfillment.

With Warm and Kind Regards,
Ms. Sana Janardan

(REPLY)Sat Nam. This sounds like a very terrible situation, and I am wondering how your husband got along with your parents before you were married? And is there some reason for this hostility? Anyway, of course you can recite Shabd Hazaray, but it occurs to me that you might be better off to recite the SoPurkh
section from Rehiras, which is the shabd the Guru gave to women to transform their husbands! Also, DHAN DHAN RAM DAS GUR shabd, because that's the one to chant when you need a miracle, and I think you do. I would also suggest that you pray while chanting and send blessings with love and kindness to your husband and the inlaws. May God and Guru bless you and guide you with wisdom. SP

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