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Summary of Question:Anti-War Demo
Date Posted:Monday, 1/13/2003 5:53 AM MST

WaheGuru Ji Ki Fathae; WaheGuru Ji Ka Khalsa,

This is not a question, but thought I bring it to the attention of Sikhs living in England. There is to be a big Anti-War demo to be held in London on Saturday the 15th of February, opposing Bush and Blair's War on Iraq.

When I went to the last Anti-War demo, which was held on 28th September, one of the largest England has seen since the Vietnam one, I felt sad to see that there was not one turbaned Sikh in a crowd of 400,000 people, who had come from all over the country.

Anyone interested, please look up on 'Stop the War' website. I'm afraid I don't have the website address on me, but if you try a search engine 'Google' would
be the best one, you are sure to get some information concerning this demo. Or you can try this website : ''


May Guru guide all of those who can find it in their consciousness to support peace not war. Thank you for the information.

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