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Summary of Question:Kaur/Singh - Ok To Drop From Name?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 4/09/2003 6:29 PM MDT

Hi, Is it required to have Singh/Kaur as your middle name? I understand that sometimes when you are coming from India it is hard to keep that as part of your name due to paper work and stuff. Except for special cases like that, did Guru Gobind Singh Ji really say that every girl "must" have Kaur and every guy "must" have Singh? I know some people who have chosen not to keep these as their middle names when there is no problem, is it ok to do that?

Thank you
Sat Siri Akaal. I suppose it is 'OK' for Sikhs who are not attached to being Sikh. I do not understand why it is important to drop the name of Singh or Kaur. It is part of the Sikh heritage. I for one LIKE being called Kaur (princess). These names are affirmations in themselves. Princess is a woman who is graceful and wise. Lion is one who rules, and has great courage.

Anyway, it is not OK for Amritdhari Sikhs. And yes, the 10th Guru did assign every woman the name of Princess, and every man the name of Lion.
Guru ang sang,

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