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Summary of Question:Shikar
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 1/02/2003 8:15 AM MST

waheguru ji ka khalsa sri waheguuru ji ki fateh

Did U Singhs and Singhni's know that guru gobind singh ji did shikar and he called meat maha parshad.also when guru gobind singh ji was in the jungles its obvious that he ate meat otherwise how could he survive becuase there are only animals in the jungles.My question is if guru gobind singh ji ate meat why cant we? it doesnt make sence. In my opinion meat is good to eat our guru ate so we can eat it to. Meat was put in this world for a reason and that was to be eatin. I was wondering if any singhs or singhni's have herd of guru gobind singh ji doing shikar. if anybody any objections plz explain me ur reason to why we dont eat meat or should i say explain the guru's reason. oh and more eveidence is that NOT ONE page in the guru granth sahib does it say "dont eat meat"

AN explaination to why we dont eat meat would help Also guru storie about meat would help to much(hope im not ask for much)

wahe guru ji ka khalsa sri wahe guru ji ke fateh


I think I would be guessing and mind gaming if I tried to give you an answer as to why Guru Gobind Singh are meat, IF HE DID. I will try to give you my perspective of why I think it is a good idea not to eat meat in 2003.

There are many, many reasons. There are books written about this topic; I will give you a very condensed version.

- Animals have souls, just like we do, and they come from the same God as we do. We were animals for many lifetimes. They have feelings and sensations, just like we do.
- We don't have teeth to eat meat. Look at a dog's teeth. They have "ripping" teeth for meat. We don't. We are not suppose to be a part of their food chain. Our teeth are for grains, fruits and vegetable, just like apes, our closest relative.
- Animal meat is very difficult to digest, leading to all kinds of health problems - heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer...the list goes on and on.
- Because Animal meat is so hard to digest, it makes us heavy in our bodies and consciousnesses; it makes us aggressive and animal-like.
- It is much easier to pursue a spiritual practice, when the consciousness is light.
- The amount of electricity, water, grain, land it takes to feed and keep animals could eliminate world hunger for ever...let alone ease our energy problems in the world.

I hope this gives you an idea. Like I said, there are books written about this topic, where you can get actual statistics. GTKK

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