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Summary of Question:Re: Sikh Generation Today
Date Posted:Thursday, 9/18/2003 9:18 PM MDT

Sat sri kal,

This email is in regard to the comments the gentleman made on modern day "Sikhs"
I fully understand where he is coming from, as at numerous times and in various situations I have observed and felt the same...

However, I must say that the gentleman in question, comes across to be a very arrogant person... making the followin comments:

"As a sikh, I really do find the thought of marrying another sikh quite dis-tasteful. Seems like the girls out there don't think twice about being compulsive liars and sleeping around with every guy they can get their hands on. They have been totally ignored by their parents, in favour of their sons and then wonder why their daughters either run away with white guys, or come home pregnent."

Just for his information, I would like to emphasize the fact that not all "sikh" girls sleep around or are so-called complusive liars!!! He has no right to stereotype people! I mean if he does not want to marry a sikh-girl, he could do that without throwin accusations like that, which are totally uncalled for!

Yes, I do agree that some girls are ignored by their families, and therefore to feel loved and accepted end up making the wrong choices... however, I believe that's just a minority. Plus, in this day and age, that behavior exists in all societies, so what makes him think that it is just the sikh girls???

Will marryin a non-sikh girl be more "tasteful"?

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