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Summary of Question:"Goray" Sikhs...
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 2/28/2003 10:17 AM MST

This is not a question, rather it is a response to someone else's post. I would really appreciate it if you could post this on the forum. Thank you!!

I was going through this forum, and I happened to stumble upon some comments which were made against "White" Sikhs. When I hear these types of comments, it really hurts me to see that "Sikh" people could actually think such horrible things!! Our Guru's did not teach us to say things like this to people just because their color is white! We're supposed to look beyond the color of peoples' skins and look at what's within them. And if you haven't noticed, the same thing which is within you is within them!!! We're All from the same Jot, we're all the same, WHY CAN'T PEOPLE ACCEPT THIS??? If our gurus could see that Muslims were equal to them, and put their scriptures in our Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, then who the hell (sorry for my language) are we to judge people because of their color??? When will we ever stop looking at the faults of others and start looking at our own faults???? This is the MAIN message that our guruji has been trying to teach us. Guruji hasn't been telling us to read gurbani louder than others in order to be a better sikh. The louder you sing does not in any way make you a better person! What makes you a better person is how do you perform in life. Were the actions that you took in this life good/bad and were you generally a good person. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT COLOR YOU ARE WHY CAN'T PEOPLE UNDERSTAND THAT?????? My God! Ever since I've started learning about Sikhi, people have always found something to talk about. First it was about who should sit on chairs and who should sit on the ground in gurudwaras. I mean Does no one see what we're doing to our religion????? We've completely ignored the main teachings of Sikhi and have started to focus on crap! And I mean that! Instead of focusing on our internal Jot and our true "Self", we end up criticizing others.

I personally would like to apologize to all of the "White"/"Goray" Sikhs for this ignorance that you are forced to face because of our "Sikh"/"Brown" communitiy. I hope that one day that Guruji can bless them and show them that judging people based on their color is wrong. Once again, I would really like to apoligize to you people for having to face all of this discrimination from our society. I hope that you understand that not everyone in our community feels the same way as the person who posted that message.

I know a lot of people will not agree with what I have said above, but if that's the way it's meant to be, then so be it. I cannot change anyone's viewpoints. All I can do is to convey the TRUE message of gurubani which is EQUALITY. If we can't learn this fundamental rule, then I don't think there is a point in taking amrit. You need to eliminate all of this hatred, ignorance, and plain stupidity before you start calling yourself a son/daughter of the Guru.

That's all I have to say for now.

If anyone wants to discuss this issue further, please feel free to email me at: [email protected]

I hope that some people can learn from what I have said, if not then that is how it is meant to be.


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