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Summary of Question:Evolution Reincarnation Limits Of Human Mind
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 4/25/2002 1:40 AM MDT

My forth lying question is very complex also ive included some of my theories. I am a disple sikh I have read some english translation but continue to do paath and be a devote sikh. while reading the english translation I came upon the point reading about reincarnation that if you do not use your life positivly ou will go through the pains of reincarnation.Also that there is a huge amount of species in this universe and there are thousands of planets similar to the earth. So isnt reincarnation like evolution? If you go through those species you die and reincarnate into another form over and over till you finally become human so u go through a chain? My second question regarding evolution is,,, after reading several articles and doing much background info, proving that HUmANS seem to be the ultimate goal of evolution. Evolution seems like a soudn theory.. The bani does say that God created everything, but does it mean that he created everything individually? Or did he let a phenomenon like the big bang occur and sit back and create the laws for humanity to occur?

My first postulation theory-The reason for all other religions seems to be evolution. The evolution of the mind meaning our minds could handle so much information at so different period of times. When the stone-age man came forth he could not understand language he DID NOT HAVE THE CAPABILITY. Sikhism came just AS MAN would have the right CAPABILITY to understand. All other religions seem to build up to this. Evolution from bacteria seems like the process in which this may have occured.

My second question is How did god create himself?
My postulatin to this seems to be that there is a parallel Universe of opposite ENTROPY meaning everything decreases ENTROPY in the universe MEANING Molecules getting more ordered, This order let to the the four dimensions of the span of R^4 which is the forth dimension. As entropy becomes more ordered that may have created god. If the nfinite # dimension of r^4 come together that would lead to a mathematical model of the the infinite dimension of where god resides making him omnipotent.
I guess the only answer according to the bani is we must be one with god to learn his secrets? And if god created everything that whole postulation theory may be bogus. because he creaed everything i am saying and he would not give away his secrets to me without being able to reach god.
But my question is if we can be one with god on a human level can we understand the secrets of the universe and can we evolve our understanding greater on a human level?


Sat Siri Akal, ji.

"So-isn't reincarnation like evolution?" Absolutely. Sikhi offers a model of Life, the Universe and Consciousness that works very well within a scientific understanding of the world. As the consciousness grows in awareness and understanding, it incarnates into different species until finally, as Guru Nanaak says, this precious gift of the human form is granted. The Siri Singh Sahib has said that if you want to know what the 84 million lifetimes you've travelled through to attain a human birth were like, just watch the Discovery channel. We have gone through all those forms, and learned all those lessons, to earn the human body. This is a very complimentary view between science and Sikhi.

Your second question about creating the Big Bang and letting everything occur-this is also complimentary with Sikhi. The word "hukum" can be translated a couple different ways. In one sense, it can be translated as "command" -as in there's a God somewhere issuing orders and everything is done based on the order. But a closer reading of the word hukum also implies "system"-that God created everything in a system and works through the laws of the system that He, Himself, created. So science is discovering the some of the laws of the system through which Spirit is manifesting Itself through time and space.

I highly recommend the book, "A Brief History of Everything," by Ken Wilbur as he lays out a brilliant discussion of this notion (found in Sikhi) that Spirit is imminent in creation and expressing itself through creation, moving into ever high forms where It can realize Itself.

Now, as for your question about how di God create Himself? "If we can be one with god on a human level can we understand the secrets of the universe and can we evolve our understanding greater on a human level?"

In Mul Mantra, God is described as "Akal" and "Ajooni"-Beyond Death and Beyond Birth. Every spiritual practice recognizes that, at some point, the intellect is not capable of understanding God. There's a limit to what we can know through our minds alone. But through love and devotion, meditating on Gurbani, the Guru promises to lead us to the reality of God within our own hearts. So to find the answer to this question, open up to the love you feel for the gift of creation and the gift of life, meditate on Gurbani with this love and allow the Guru to answer these questions in His way.

Last, remember that Sikhi has developed as a beautiful spiritual practice for the times we now live in. But God is in every spiritual practice and we need to recognize the God in every heart, and guard against developing false pride.



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