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Summary of Question:Rag Mala
Date Posted:Tuesday, 5/28/2002 4:06 PM MDT


I have a question regarding the Rag mala in Sree Guru Granth Saahib Jee. Is it an authentic part of the Guru, thus was it a part of the Ad Granth? And also why is there much controversy over this issue? I am quite confused when I hear different opinions and practices regarding the recitation, but my heart tells me to accept the whole of the Guru as the whole of the Guru. Please shed some light onto this controversy

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Follow your heart! Rag mala should definitely be recited. The whole of the Guru is the whole. May God bless you and Guru continue to guide you in Truth. (Sikh Dharma of the Western Hemisphere officially includes Rag Mala -- so I'm not just giving my personal opinion.) SP

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