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Summary of Question:Meaning Of A Particular Name/Word.
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 5/22/2002 12:11 PM MDT

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh,

I am a 21 year old sikh girl and to this day, i have not found out the "exact" meaning or translation of my name. Everyone in my family seems to give me a different meaning/translation. Is "Nimar or NimarPreet" anywhere in the Shri Guru Granth Sahib? Also, what does it mean, if in relation to sikhi?
I would really appreciate your response....I also want to tell you that i think you are doing a great...actually a REMARKABLE job on this question and answer forum...i was just reading through some previous things people have posted..and some of your responses...almost made me cry. Everyone who is taking part in this humbling deed, should be commended. I think for many sikh youth, you might be there only "answer" or "area to vent and ask questions"...i really appreciate what you are doing and i want you to know how much your time means to many sikh kids and just sikhs overall.
Thanks for a great job on the website overall and also on this particular section.
Waheguru is undoubetly magnificient...all he does..he truly does for a reason
God bless you for helping sikh kids and answering them.
Rabb Rakha,
(REPLY) Many people want to know the meaning of their names, but unfortunately we don't have the answers to all of them. Have you tried looking up your name in a Punjabi/English dictionary? Possibly it might be there. Good luck! (and thanks for the kind words.) blessings, SP

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Meaning Of A Particular Name/Word. (05/22/2002)
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