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Summary of Question:I Love An Out Castegirl
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Saturday, 2/02/2002 7:33 AM MST


i am in love with an outcaste girl.she does love me an amritdhari
sikh.she lives in himachal and is here for studies.what should i do

(REPLY) It is hard for me as a westerner (Amritdhari Sikh) to understand this caste problem. Our Guru's teaching have thrown out the idea of castes. Why are we still even considering it? It is a cultural, social phenomenon that should be abolished! However, it seems to come up frequently on the questions that are being asked. So, what will your parents say/do? if you want to marry this girl? That's probably a major factor what you decide Is the girl interested in taking Amrit? That might be the solution. Blessings, SP

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