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Summary of Question:Pakhandi Baba's
Date Posted:Thursday, 11/28/2002 6:02 PM MST

I am not very religious persona. I do believe in Shri Guru Granth Sahib, I respect our Guru’s and what they did for us. I am trying to follow what I can. Now lately I have started to feel like may be there is no God. When I am reading newspaper, they are all about these baba’s doing, , now look at baba amar singh, Baba bhanare wala, Sant Bhagwant Singh , Ashutosh , Dera sacha soda, etc etc etc list goes on and on and on. What is this? Now I believe these people do read Shri Guru Granth sahib, at least they so, I mean why ? Why they do not understand what the message god is giving to us. Or they just reading for the sack on reading it, then they can I have knowledge about whole Shri guru Granth sahib. What’s written on which pages, is that important? The way these people talk u wish if you can be like that, they are so close to god, and they are guru Sikhs. But the way they act they are blood criminals. I am sorry if am being offensive, but I have this burning “ Jawala” burning inside me. I feel said, I feel hurt when I think about that most secure place is not secure any more. I hate these people, honestly I hate them

(REPLY) Sat Nam. It is more valuable to be spiritual than to be "religious" when "religious" means form without substance. What you describe is very sad, and very insulting to the sprit of our Gurus. But, in the Kali Yug -- Truth is distorted, and people can easily go astray. Be grateful if you correctly understand the message and meaning intended by our Gurus, the spirit is more important than the page number, for sure! We have to pity those whom you describe. Each one of us has our own karmas, and will suffer the consequences of whatever actions we do. Hating people doesn't make them change or improve. When we can bless and forgive even the worst of the worst, then we are living as true Sikhs of the Guru. But, if we can't do that, at least don't live with anger and hatred in your mind, because it will pollute your soul. May God and Guru bless you. SP

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