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Summary of Question:Re Marriage Status Canada
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Wednesday, 2/05/2003 4:50 PM MST


regarding the lady who thinks her husband may be add,( attention deficit disorder) she and he may be interested to know, that Neurofeedback has a very high success rate, in overcoming not only add, but many other conditions. Neuorfeedback is now rapidly spreading throughout north america. basically a reading is taken of the brainwaves, which shows the disfunction, and the person is asked to change these, to a more normal level, through sessions. a good place to find out more is www.eeg spectrum.

One of the problems in marriage seems to be, that one spouse is overactive mentally, therefore, outgoing, etc, but prone to be anxious, and the other underactive,therefore withdrawn etc. neurofeedback can remedy these situations in most cases.

in fact if there are any Sikh doctors, phychologists etc, out there, they may like to consider inserting neurofeedback into their practice. in particular in Panjab, as there are non in India I am aware of.


Thanks for your advice


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