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Summary of Question:Worried By Astro Predictions
Date Posted:Thursday, 6/15/2006 3:28 PM MDT


Thank you so much for doing such a wonderful job over the years.

I am a sikh youth 26 yrs of age and am facing a real delimma. All my life i have never been into this astrology stuff. My family never got my Hororscope made on my birth. I am currently working in an MNC and ONE of my collegues is also a professional astrologer. By professional, I mean that He has actually studied astrology as a science (if one wants to call it as a science) Out of curiousity, I just happened to give him my date of birth, time and location of birth. The next day, He cam down with my hororscope.

I have lost my sleep since then... The things that he has predicted about my future is really disturbing. Things like... The house that we have recently purchased seems to be unlucky for there would be no peace in the house in the future.

i ahve had sume tension with my girlfrind offlate (kind of a break off)... without knowing about this he said due to my stars... i will get a very rude shock.. like a broken relationship etc... Worse he says that the damage done is irrepairable.

Further... He has suggested me that I go to a particular sufi priest whould be able to cure the problem with my new house...

he's also mentioned that once I get married... I would never be compatible with my life and there would be tension in the house.

He also states that I accidents due which would effect my face... Apprently, I have met with an accident last year whicg actually affected my face.. Now he says there are more accidents due.

He also states that my father's sould is not rested in peace and is still in the PRETH YUG(sumthing like that) for which I would need to do sum puja at a distant location. He is a very good friend of mine and he hasnt charged me anything for me. He states that things can go really bad in the future.

All this has really got me worried, especially my broken realtionship with my girlfriend.

As it is I am very depressed with the broken relationship... Is there a particluar paath That I can do to avoid such mishaps.. Could you provide me with copy of that paath that I need to recite. Is there a way to releave the tension between my girlfriend and me... sumthing to contol the bad effects of the stars if this is the case?



Sat nam. With no disrespect meant to the practice of astrology: Guru is very clear in SGGS--and no, I do not have a pauri handy for you-- that listening to pandits and astrologers and taking their word as gospel truth is not the way of a Gurmukh. No Sikh should live their life based on astrology, for precisely this reason. Then your entire life is governed by fear of someone else's predictions rather than Guru's guidance. All 10 Gurus recognized this danger.
Use hukums from Guru for your guidance. Fear attracts more fear and attracts negativity. Turn the entire 'reading' over to Guru and let it go. Live your life not based on fear but on faith in Guru.
Live your karma or your dharma. Take up the practice of Sikhi as guru recommends: chant the naam, let go of attachment, and serve others. When you are uncertain about something, do ardas and take Guru's hukum and meditate on it for instruction. Or chant a gurmantra on the problem and the solution will come. Take up a sehej paath of SGGS and you will learn Guru's teachings for yourself.
As for your concern for your father's soul, consciously in prayer and visualization turn your father over to Guru and and let Guru take care of such things. You only need to do it once It is between Guru and your father, not you and your father. It is, of course, OK to pray daily for the peace of your father's (or anyone's) soul.
Chant the last four lines of Jaap Sahib from your navel (31 minutes daily) to burn out your fears, and recite Sukhmani daily to bring peace to your mind. Guru ang sang,

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