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Summary of Question:Re: Get Married (Response To The Moderator's Comments)
Date Posted:Tuesday, 8/12/2003 1:16 AM MDT

Sat Sri Kal,

In response to your comments:

Yes, life is all about choices, whether it's about the food we're goin to consume or the TV channel we are goin to watch. We make choices every moment of our lives, no doubt! And Yes, we have to choose the lives we are goin to live. But life is about makin WISE choices!

I agree that parents are custodians, and they should let their children live their lives. However, do you think parents have evil in their hearts for their kids? I believe they always want their children to have the best, though the "best" is not always what the children want.

So, instead of 'choosing' to leave our parents, cant we try and make them understand us? You know, it's all about returnin a favor! It's humanity i believe, when someone's done so much for you (they could've abandoned us when we used to cry in the wee hours of the mornin), you should atleast have the courtesy to give thoughts to their needs. Parents have feelins too. I know at the end you might need to 'choose', but as I've said, it should be the last resort when you've exhaust all means!

Parents do come around, as at the end of the day, we are their children and they feel for us. So if we leave them today, we will still end up havin them later on in our lives (actually not always though, as life is unpredictable and there are chances that somethin could happen to them), however, it would be a pity that we never cared enough to give them a chance in the first place. So I am not sayin that one should always stick with his/her parents, but I believe in the power of perseverance, that one should not think about leavin one's parents everytime there is a disagreement.

I mean the doctor in question, does he really have to leave his parents to go marry his girlfriend? Maybe in the end he would need to, but has he done everythin in his power to make his parents accept the girl? Life is about choices, but it's not easy when you have your own loved ones at stake!

Plus who says that we can attain GOD by livin our own lives? You said, "The life we are to live is for God, not the parents." I believe that somewhere in the GGS, it's written that parents are the roop of Guru, so if we cant even respect our parents, what are the chances that we would respect GOD? Maybe our parents are imperfect when they discriminate other people, nevertheless, it is our duty as their children to respect and understand them, as I believe that is also a way of reachin GOD.

Anyway, I never said that one should not choose, I just think that parents should still be given the rights to their opinion and we should as children understand their needs and try to make them understand ours. Making a hard choice should be the last resort as there are high chances that parents would give in! Just have to have faith in GOD.
Give enough time for your parents to understand and accept your wishes, but if they dont, then CHOOSE!

You wrote:

Sat Siri AKaal. Thank you for sharing your experience. I want to add that
sometimes one really DOES have to choose. Our parents brought us into this
world, but our purpose here is between God and the child. The life we are
to live is for God, not the parents. Sometimes parents threaten to cut off,
only to relent once they see how intent their child is to live his/her own
life. Parents CHOSE to have children. Thus it is their responsibility to
take care of them and nurture them as God's trustees on this planet, but
the life the child lives as an adult cannot be lived for the parents, nor
can they live through the child. It is really important for one to consider
this in any such situation as you describe. Guru ang sang,


Thank you for your response...but I don't think the moderator was suggesting that children be ungrateful or disrespectful. Parents don't have children to raise models of themselves. Read her words again. They are very true. GTKK

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