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Summary of Question:Are Caffeine Products Be Forbidden?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 1/31/2002 1:38 PM MST

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa;

Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fatae,

I was wondering, Sikhi strongly forbids drinking, smoking and any other drug in question, unless it is for medicinal use. But what about tea, coffee and caffeine products?

Caffeine is a mild stimulant, and I remember watching on the news a few years back, how this High School in Britain, banned children from fizzy drinks altogether. It was noticed that it reduced the level of playground fights, and children were able to concentrate more in their lessons, because they went without coke altogether. Long term Heavy black coffee drinkers complain of head aches, if they try and cut down on it? so shouldn't caffeine be forbidden along with alcohol etc in Sikhi?

Sat Siri AKaal. The choice for SIkhs to avoid caffeinated products is a personal one, mostly. That said, different people have variable tolerances for any caffeine, so one must pay attention to one's body and the effects any caffeine has on it. Gurus were clear about not taking any substances that alter the conciousness. I have always understood that if a Sikh does drink caffeinated substances, s/he should NOT become addicted to them. In other words, control the caffeine, don't let it control you.

Smoking and alcohol at any level affect the conciousness. Alcohol distorts thinking and smoking clouds the projection, and both have been documented as being bad for various organs, including the brain, liver, and/or lungs. Caffeine in MODERATE doses (in coffee, tea, sodas) does not destroy the organs; in heavy doses it can be hard on the nervous system and liver (depending on the drink it's in). I hope this helps.
Guru ang sang,

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Are Caffeine Products Be Forbidden? (01/31/2002)
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