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Summary of Question:Guru Nanak Dev Ji
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 12/29/2002 8:29 PM MST

wjkk wjkf,

please could u gursikhs help me with a few really thriving to learn more about sikhi and wish to live the gurus rehit one day..but just a few curious questions..and i would appreciate answers WITH QUOTES if u could!(hehe,i dont ask for much do i?!!)
1)was guru ji a sikh?(i know he wasnt hindu but some people have told me about his cloak which has koranic verses,etc..also a singh from another sikhi website stated he wasnt hindu,muslim or even sikh!)
2)was his jot passed thru the remaining nine human gurus?or were they all seperate souls?
3)was he influenced by anyone?or(as i beleive) was he given a divine message from waheguru that needed no influence and hence wasnt was a fresh notion(path)

and so before that time, there were no actual Sikhs,
4)was guru jis message different to that of our tenth guru?many argue they clash and that they arent at all alike..infact some treat nanaks message as hinduism/islam,and khalsa as a seperate relegion which is a relegion and not a path(as sikhi is meant to be;humanism)
please answer all! would really appreciate the sewa! what really bugs me is that people dont condsider him my heart i feel he was(since it was the same jot in all ten gurus) there are other reasons i have but i will leave it to the sangat before me..thank u and god bless! wjkk wjkf

(REPLY) Sat Nam. As I understand it, the child Nanak was born into a Hindu family, however as he grew up he spoke openly about the fact there there should be no difference between a Hindu and Musselman (Muslim) and preached of universal love and respect for all people and all religions. the people who followed his teachings, his students were called Shishyas or "Sikhs" so he could not himself have been a "Sikh" except that all Sikhs are students of Truth. Each human Guru carried the same diving light of consciousness as it was passed from each to his successor, and each manifested that divinity as well as embodied and emphasized specific qualities or virtues, such as humility, compassion, service, healing, courage, etc, so that in their totality they represent all the virtues that every Sikh should try to practice! They showed us that people in human form can live in divine consciousness. There is no conflict between or among any of them, each contributed his unique blessing and guidance, yet all remind us to chant God's Name and to live righteously! So all the Gurus are the same, yet they are all different1 And finally, of course, Guru Gobind Singh installed the Shabd Guru, the Siri Guru Granth Sahib as our living Guru forever and ever, and in his humility, he didn't even include any of his own writings in the volume! I think sometimes people argue and discuss and confuse themselves unnecessarily! Time might be better spent reading the banis and the Siri Guru Grant Sahib and UNDERSTANDING what our Guru/s are trying to teach us! Happy New Year! SP

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