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Summary of Question:The Problem With Sikh Girls.
Date Posted:Saturday, 4/26/2003 2:37 PM MDT

Not long ago I carried out an extensive search on Sikh Matrimonial only to find that the majority of women prefer to marry clean-shaven, non-turban Sikhs. It is accepted that every person has a preference whether you are a Sikh male or female. However, it is not acceptable that women should see a turban as some form of a "handicap". In all honesty I believe that Western Sikh girls find being seen with a turbaned man embarrassing - it's either this or the Bollywood syndrome has taken effect.

With regard to my final point, for the women that prefer skinhead Sikh men with two earrings each side and a brain the size of theirs (which cant be that big). Similarly, us SIKH men prefer women with a genuine brain and values, which extend beyond someone's exterior, although some of you women may find this comment difficult to comprehend.

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