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Summary of Question:I Disagree With Your Statements!!
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 4/14/2004 7:08 PM MDT

Hello. You have made it out that true Sikh girls must tye their hair in a turban, braid, or bun. Well, excusue me but isn't it more important to do nitnem and love GOd than do that. And Babaji NEVER siad that you must do braid, bun, or turban. He said ot to cut your hair and to treat them with respect. So if I do a ponytail and tka egood care of it, or even leave them open but without getting them dirty, that isn't wrong. And you have also said the we cannot style our hair, put on makeup, or anything such-hey I know too much is wrong, but a little is not bad. I'm from a Sikh family...I know the whole japji sahib since I was 10...and oh yeah--I HATE bhangra, hate it with a passion. My friend gets mad at me saying I disgrace the reliogion!!

ok, please answer!!


Read the answer again. I explained the scientific reason for the turbin. When I became a Sikh, I wanted the benefit as men have in wearing the turbin. I was not raised in a Hindu atmosphere, where Sikh women were not given the option of the turbin. Why do Sikh women not wear turbins...because they have been kept bound to the Hindu traditions of fashion. I am not telling you that you have to wear a turbin to be a good Sikh girl. You have to examine your consciousness for yourself and decide. I suggested that the person experiment, that's all. It would be much more beneficial if the readers of these answers could try to read them with some neutrality and not jump to conclusions. We moderators are only giving suggestions. We are not telling you how you have to lead your life. That is for you to think about and then make up your own decision. GTKK

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