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Summary of Question:My Feeling And Thoughts...
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Thursday, 1/24/2002 6:27 PM MST

Sat Sri Akaal,

This might be a bit of weird question or a bit confusing to read as im just writing it how it comes into my head. Im 17 and cut my hair and shave and have got a girlfriend that I love and have been going out with over a year now and hope to get married to one day. My question is really does this make me any less Sikh than the guys and girls that dont cut their hair but trim their beards and shave their arms and legs? I dont smoke or drink but I know alot of "TRIM SINGHS" that do... but why is it that they still get more respect if they go to the Gurdawara just cus they wear a Paag? Am I right in saying even though Sikhi is meant to treat everyone as equals I am still be discriminated cus I do cut my hair? I actually want to grow my hair now iv been thinking about it for about 2years but im kind scared cus no one in my family is very religious, personally I believe we all reach Waheguru in our own unique way even if your not Amirtdari. The thing im worried about is that if I do grow my hair and I dont feel comfortable with it im gonna get criticised for doing it in the first place but aint it better to try and see first? I reckon I will do it but if anyone asks me why, I dont know wot my response would be. Why do I want do it? I guess its just to see if it is right for me and to regain my inner strength. I didnt choose to cut my hair in the first place that decision was made by my parents before I could even talk. Im sorry for babbling on but I got alot of question flowing around my head which need to be asked, if I dont ask im just gonna keep wondering... I think im a good Sikh, I do alot of seva and always willing to help others, I also do alot of other things, I dont really go Gurdwara much and I dont do any path but thats partially cus I cant read or write Punjabi and my speaking and listening isnt very good. Deep down I think Waheguru know I mean well and he knows my heart is pure and that even though im not a proper Sardar im still a Shere (lion) I havent a clue how your gonna reply to this, I dont even know if you can reply but what ever the decision I hope you enjoyed reading this cus I enjoyed writting it. Its good to talk and let other know how you feel about something you love and embrace so much like Sikhi. At the end of the day Sikhi is not just a religion its the way you live your life and treat others am I right? Hope I am lol :)

(REPLY) You close your comment by saying that Sikhi is "not just a religion, it's the way you live your life." YES! You are right. I'm glad you shared your thoughts and feelings. Here's what I think: you should grow your hair and see how you feel. Your innermost feelings are telling you that it is the right thing to do. as far as what other people think, we need to be strong in our convictions and live as the Guru taught, and never mind what others say about it. When you are righeous, you will know it. Unfortunately, some people are very shallow, and they sit in judgement on everyone. Well, that's not righeous. We should be concerned only about our own behavior and the way we live our lives, and if someone does something wrong, just be glad it's not us! and if someone does something great, be grateful! Smoking and drinking is stupid. Alcohol and tobacco are poisons. Everybody knows this, but they do it anyway. I hope you will follow your own conscience, and try to learn Gurumukhi so that you can actually read the daily Banis. You'll find a lot of wisdom there! And, soon there will be an English translation called "Peace Lagoon" that will be published - so everyone can read and understand. Blessings, SP

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