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Summary of Question:Beard Vs. School
Date Posted:Saturday, 1/01/2005 4:06 PM MST

my dad tells me that if i cut my beard i will get bad grades in school. i really want to be a good sikh. i promice my self that when i grow up like whe i am 20 or 21 i will stop cutting my beard. now i am 16 years old. i do path, i do seva in gurudwara. but i can't stop cutting my beard. i want to look good. i am going to stop cuting my beard in 3 yeras when i am in college. if i do path seva and be a good perso who helps everyone nad still cut my beard a "little" would i get bad grades in school? i really want to be a doctor when i grow up. please help me please. i am going to stop cutting my beard when i grow up in 2 or 3 yers.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Have you forgotten that your beard is God's gift to you, as a MAN! It is a sign that you are no longer a little boy, it affirms your manhood, and it is an insult to your Creator to cut it! You must be feeling some guilt about cutting it, and that would affect your ability to think clearly, and maybe would affect your schoolwork. It is great that you are doing everything else so well, but as far as "looking good" -- who are you trying to please? I believe as Sikhs our appearance should be to please our Guru! If you were in the presence of Guru Gobind Singh, would you not want to have your full beard? Well, Guru is always with you, whether you realize it or not. Your reasoning is like the toothless old wolf who says, "Now I'll stop eating lambs." By then, the decision is too late, it has no value in building character. The time to live with the best habits, the time to establish discipline in your life is when you are young! Do you remember the courage of Guru Gobind Singh's four sons? Even the two younger ones would not compromise their faith. "IT's not the life that matters, it's the courage that you bring to it." So let your beard grow and be proud and courageous that you have the strength and humility to keep yoour body as God wills. May God and Guru bless you with wisdom, SP

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