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Summary of Question:Kurehit, Masturbation
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Thursday, 7/31/2003 2:27 AM MDT


I know masturbation is pretty bad and I am against it. I dont masturbate that much, sometimes it does happen very rarely. After taking amrit the kaam has gotten in much more control, but I want to know if masturbation is considered as one of the 4 kurehits and does it require re-baptization. I have read stories of many amritdhari sikhs during Guru Ji's time who got infected with kaam and Guru Ji saved them before they committed adultery. Please let me know the answer to this question as soon as possible.

No, rebaptism is not required. Masturbation is an issue of energy. It dries up your seminal fluid to your brain, making it difficult to concentrate, make decisions and meditate. If you want more explanation, go to past questions and answers and do a search on that topic. GTKK

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