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Summary of Question:What Is The Big Deal Of Whether A Sikh Keeps His Or Her Hair Or Not?
Date Posted:Friday, 4/19/2002 3:48 PM MDT

I used to be a turbaned sikh until I was harassed in school and told to cut my hair off, but now I am a turbaned sikh. I think sikhs are very orthodox when it comes to keeping ones hair or not. What is the big deal whether a sikh keeps his/her hair or not. Honestly I have seen many amritdhari sikhs commit sins and I HAVE seen many haircut sikhs being very religious. In the Jewish religion there are two types of Jews ones that keep their beards and wear their caps. Then there are ones the shave and don't wear caps. In the the ISLAM religion there are two types of muslims ones that are Orthodox and ones that are modern.

Then why can't the haircut Sikhs be accepted as Modern Sikhs in the religion.

REPLY: Sat Nam. You speak of being "accepted" as Modern Sikhs. My understanding is that who is a Sikh (a student of Truth) and who is not, is a matter between that individual and God and Guru. Keeping hair uncut is respecting and appreciating hair as a gift from the Creator. Guru Gobind Singh was wise enough to know that when a person cuts hair, they are diminishing their power, so he told the Panj to always keep hair, honoring the One who makes it keep growing! It is not our job to "judge" others, but rather to live to our own, personal, highest consciousness. Blessed are those who are able to do so! SP

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What Is The Big Deal Of Whether A Sikh Keeps His Or Her Hair Or Not? (04/19/2002)
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