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Summary of Question:Which Banees Should Be Included In 5 Banees ?
Date Posted:Friday, 6/30/2006 8:51 AM MDT

Which banees should we be included in 5 banees ? What is the style of simran ?


These are the 5 banis according to the SikhNet website: "Five Banis to be read each morning and two evening prayers: Japji Sahib and Shabad Hazaray; Jaap Sahib; Tav Prasad Swaiyas; Baynati Chaopai; Anand Sahib; and in the evening Rehiras (including Baynati Chaopai) and Kirtan Sohila. I'm not sure what you mean by the "style" of Simran? Simran is the (constant) remembrance of God's name, so however you can repeat it, mentally or aloud, whatever/however you can remember God's Name (ideally with every breath!) would be the "style" Chanting, singing, speaking, thinking, meditating with the breath (inhale thinking SAT exhale thinking NAM) I hope this helps. SP

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Which Banees Should Be Included In 5 Banees ? (06/30/2006)
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