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Summary of Question:Reincarnation And Mukti(Life Without Rebirth)
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 8/14/2002 3:34 AM MDT

Sat Sri Akal

I have a question regarding reincarnation. If a person from same family die
do he/she rebirth in the same family again and each family member do have any
relationship from the past,and how can we know that he/she has relationship
with us from the past.
Secondly, I am interesting in knowing that do sikhism has mukti(life without rebirth after he/she die,just go to god)do this link with past karma.

Waiting for your reply.

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Guru ji Ki Fateh


Sat Siri Akal.

Even though we go through the cycle of birth, death and rebirth, God makes it so that we don't remember our past incarnations/relationships for a good reason. Can you image what would happen if someone gave you a great insult in one life, then you die, then you came back again, then you ran into that soul again - you would still be holding vengence for the insult in a past life. It's difficult enough dealing with our memories of this life. So, for the most part, we don't know about rebirth and with good reason. Let your relationships in this life be about the present, be about what is happening today. If a family member dies, bless them to progress forward in their spiritual evolution in whatever manner is perfect for them - whether or not you will connect with them in your lifetime again.

For a Sikh, liberation is a state of grace bestowed upon someone with the blessing of the Guru while alive. We focus on the here and the now. The Guru teaches that dying to life while alive gives the state of realization and, in that state, the experience of death never comes again to a person. Even when the phsyical body falls away - "death" is not experienced by the soul who has become liberated while alive. It's a very active state - for you continue to be deeply engaged in the world, but you are not affected by it. The Guru talks about the Fourth state where the polarity of life no longer has an effect, where good and bad, slander and praise, copper and gold are all deemed alike. So this is something that comes through grace and what gives us the opportunity to be with the Guru and be guided by His words is good actions.

I hope this answers your questions.

All love.


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