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Summary of Question:Beleiving Religion
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 2/27/2005 2:05 AM MST

Guru Fateh,

Can U tell me in which category shall I put people who claim to follow any religion but yet do a lot of good for all of us.
Narayan Murthy the chief mentor of Infosys.He has created so many jobs for so many people and yet not followed any religion.
Does not this argument demean the existence of religion.
I can answer this question to myself but not to others who keep coming to me with this question in mind.

Please answer as soon as possible and in detail...

Guru Ang Sang..

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Why should we categorize anyone? The way in which a person chooses to worship God is a personal choice, perhaps based on their heritage. Doing good is part of most religions. A person can be good, or even "spiritual" without being "religious." Religion is a formalized method of worship which suits those who practice it. As far as I am personally concerned, anyone who doesn't have the Guru is like an orphan, but as Sikhs we do not force our faith , our "religion" on others. A person may do all the good deeds in the world, which will create good karma, but without a conscious effort to connect with one's own soul,this precious life on Earth is wasted, because being born into human form gives us the opportunity to obtain liberation through chanting God's Name. Remember, most religions were created by people who followed enlightened teachers but interpreted their teachings to the best of their understanding. We are fortunate as Sikhs that our Gurus teachings have come to us word for Word, undiluted and unpolluted by anyone's "interpretation" of their divine wisdom. That is the great and unique gift of the Shabd Guru. Guru Nanak was and is the Guru for the Aquarian Age, and his univeral teachings, as carried on by his successors and embodied in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib provide us with a way of worship (religion) to give us each the EXPERIENCE of the God within us. Unfortunately many relgions tend to separate people, and create animosity and competition, that is why (thank God!) as Sikhs we do not proslytize. I don't know if this answers your question, but it is what came to mind. Blessings, SP

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