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Summary of Question:Trouble Trying To Keep My Principles
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Tuesday, 5/04/2004 12:10 AM MDT

hi,im 16 in canada. i have been having trouble wit keepin my principles in check lately. i used to do japji sahib wheni woke up and naam japna during the day and befor i went to sleep.also, i stopped eating meat. But lately ive been tyrin to make excuses to not do these things. eating meat id say that i need protein or i need to be strong ect. and in the mornings i cant wake up. My friend has bcome very sick lately as well, and all i do path is for her.. i guss not for myself any more. i hope waheguru could protect her. i do dhan dahn ram das and ask waheguru ji for her good health befor i sleep but nothign for myself or anything. is the acceptable will i still be recognizzed by waheguru ji for me doing paath

(REPLY) Sat Nam. The reason for doing Path, and chanting, and reciting God's name is to give us the qualities, strength and wisdom of the Gurus to cope successfully with whatever challenges life brings us. The more in tune we are with the Guru's bani, the more effective will be our prayers - for others or for ourselves. The important question is whether or not you yourself recognize your own soul -- . Wahe Guru lives and breathes in you, there is no separation except in your mind -- so learn to meditate, keep chanting, keep doing paath. "Manjit, Jagjeet." (He who conquers the mind, conquers the world.) May God bless you and Guru guide you always. SP

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