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Summary of Question:Cutting Hair/Shaving Due To Hate Crimes
Date Posted:Thursday, 9/23/2004 4:01 PM MDT


I do not want to cut my hair/shave but am worried about the hate crime in USA/Canada. People think all turbaned-bearded men are muslims/Arabs. Many Americans have lost their sons in the war in middle east and are angry about that. I am supporting 3 families: my own, my parents and my wife's parents. If i am a victim of hate crime because of my turban/beard, they will have to suffer. Please advise.

Sat Siri Akaal. Are you a Sikh or not? Are you looking for an excuse to cut your hair (some Sikhs do, you know). Sikhs are KNOWN by their form, that is Guru's wish and gift to us. Chant the Naam daily, recite Rakhay Rakhanhar shabd (last shabd of full Rehiras) for protection and stop living in fear. We have nothing to fear but FEAR ITSELF is a good Sikh motto.

There are not that many hate crimes against turbaned sikhs in the USA lately, the numbers are not very high -- I cannot speak for Canada. Use your turban and beard as a way to teach people about SIKHS. Don't assume that you will be targeted automatically. There are a LOT of turbaned Sikhs in the USA. I don't know where you live, but the FIRST thing you should consider is getting an educational program about Sikhs out to your local police department and county sheriff's office. You might want to get your gurdwara community involved as well, or invite the police to Gurdwara. Ask the police as well for data on hate crimes IN YOUR AREA. It could be the local targets do not include turban-wearers. Show local law enforcement who WE ARE.

There are resources for education programs in this regard: best is the Sikh Media Watch group has created a lot of resources for educating government officials about Sikhs, especially since 9/11. Go to this site and contact them directly from the site I know the people who founded this group and they are IN WASHINGTON DC metropolitan area and are turbaned and bearded. Guru ang sang

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