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Summary of Question:Khalsa
Date Posted:Friday, 6/06/2003 7:36 PM MDT

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Hello, I have recently taken Amrit. I decided to take amrit against my parents will. I took amrit because for the last 2 years I have fallen on the path of God's Name, and it just won't leave my mind, so I dedicated my life to God, and God's Will. My family is upset at me, and I too am upset at myself. My mind was saying do not take Amrit for their sake, my heart was saying take amrit for it was your destiny to somehow 2 years ago out of nowhere to fall in love with God's name. Some in my family think that the Khalsa is propoganda made up by the Gurdwara's, some say "how am you(khalsa) better than I?". My mind is in an emotional tear right now. I do not know if it was right for me to have taken Amrit in a family of non Amritdarhi Sikhs. Was I right in my decision? or should I have listened to my family. I understand nothing right now, I don't know whats to become of my relationship with my family, and I don't know how God will judge me that I went against my family, but towards God. Was my decision a correct one?
Thank you.

Satnam Satnam Waheguru Waheguru... constantly dwell within my conscious mind and sub conscious mind Lord, for without you what do I have to gain.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


No one can tell you if you made the right decision (not your parents,relatives, me nor friends); no one except yourself. If you feel it was the best decision from within, than it was. God puts us here, each with a mission. That mission isn't up to our parents. Where would our world be today if children only listen to their parents? We'd still have slavery; no child would have left his/her parents' country. Children with courage and foresight have followed their dreams, their soul's inner calling. Listen to your's and be courageous to live it. Does it mean that your parents may disown you? They might. My parents disowned me when I became a Sikh. They just didn't understand and were afraid. Today we have a wonderful relationship. When they realized that I was serious and that my life was better and happier because of it, they came around. Call upon God and Guru. They are with you. GTKK

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