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Summary of Question:Rituals In Sikhism
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 12/13/1999 3:12 AM MST

My mother recently passed away and we had a period of mourning with Guru Granth Sahibin the house with path. However a few things I have discovered, how much superstition and rituals have come into Sikhism? For example when someone comes into the house, you are not allowed to accompany them to the door when they leave because it greets death, is there any thing in the gurbani that says this, I must I admit that I am guilty of doing this warning family and relatives,I have realised what I have done, I mean is it not contradictory to do that when you have gurbani read, the words of God, so really what is there to fear. I have asked other people who have had loved ones who have died, and they have not heard of such a ritual,it seems we make up these things. Another thing that I have realised is that when the Pathi ate, he ate from a special plate, cup etc, etc, is this not brahminism, surely our gurus would have ate from the same cup and plates as everyone else. The reason I warned my family not to go to the doo

r, was that I was told by various women. I have also come to the conclusion is that that even though women are the ones who tend to be more religious and the ones who carry one the culture and traditons, they are also the ones who are at fault who bring these superstitions. What is it about these people, why do they recite path off by heart, but they do not try to understand the meaning of what the gurbani has to say?


Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

Dear One:
You are right, there is NO such practice in Gurbani. Guru taught us to ignore the superstitions that were so commonly practiced in Gurus' time, but many forget this, for culture is deeply embedded. SGPC Rehit is very clear about the process for honoring the dead. The door/death thing you described is untrue, and certainly not Sikh. As for the Paathi eating off a special plate, I do not know. But I think you are right. If Guru wanted us to set ourselves above others, would he have created langar hall and langar lines? No. It is a shame you could not ask the Paathi about this, but if you ever have a chance, you should.
God bless you,

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