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Summary of Question:Sexuality
Category:General Q's from Non-Sikhs
Date Posted:Thursday, 2/17/2005 1:54 AM MST

Sat Sri Akal

Its been over a year now that I have been following the 10 masters of Sikhi, and it is going great....but I have a problem with sexuality. I do a lot of physical exercise(2 hours at the GYM, daily), I play a musical instrument, and play Basketball, and I have started reciting the daily prayers. But i still continue to have those urges which lead me to masturbation. Is it even possible for a young man not to masturbate??? And if I dont masturbate then won't I have wet dreams? And if you dont masturbate for years then how can you bring yourself to make a child? I have read some of the postings on this site regarding sex, it says that when you masturbate you are lusting, and when you are haveing sex with your wife and only your wife it is ok. That makes sense, but then the problem for me is using protection. I dont think Sikhs should use protection beacause for one thing it is not "natural" which is really big in Sikhi, it is like you are holding back the birth of your child, lol. I can't really explain my self too well, but I am sure you understand.
So what do you think about Sikhs using protection during sex with their husband/wife? And if you dont use protection then wont you have like 50 kids? lol
Thanks a lot
Sat Sri Akal
God is.... True ...Great ...& ...Forever........................................


Protection is a personal choice. If you think it is wrong, then don't use it.

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