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Summary of Question:Beards abd morden times.
Date Posted:Saturday, 10/14/2000 6:20 AM MDT

This has bothered me all my adolosent life, should not we as Sikhs should re-evaluate the importance of keeping long hair and beards in these fast changes times. I know what importance it has, but this tradition was started in the ancient times when the Turban and hair were a sign of prestige but they are today getting in the process of devlopment of the Sikh youth who have to face a lot of peer pressure and sometimes discrimination especially when living in Western countries. \

Most religions are thousands of years old. Our way of life is modern...only 500 years old. It is designed specifically for modern times with modern pressures. You should search the responses given for "Kesh" and read what has been said.

In this fast times you are going to need every God given faculty to stay above the change and insanity that is engulfing our "modern" world.

I wear my hair and turban as a regal sign of light for others lost in this world of maya. They know I have values and commitment. I live in grace and gratitude to my Creator and my presence reflects tghat same grace and gratitude for others to catch a whiff of. It is a blessings to have such a clear Rehit Maryada. It makes us super human.

The Aquarian Age is the age of the Khalsa. 960 million we shall be. Perhaps the way you are percieving the rehit is in itself a very limited orientation. This cancels itslef out because there can be no limit in God Consciousness. Perhaps there is another way for you to be understanding our form. Maybe you can start to study our history and learn to meditate so you can have an expanded experience of that which we are speaking of.

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Beards abd morden times. (10/14/2000)
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