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Summary of Question:Keeping A Previously Shaved Beard
Date Posted:Monday, 10/01/2001 4:21 PM MDT

i am a Sikh male who is considering taking amrit in the very near future. My problem is that I once had surgery on one side of my face, and the doctor had to shave off my (trimmed) beard completly on that one side. I have been trimming both sides for a couple of years, but my question is, will the side that was actually shaved completly off, look the same as the the other side which was only trimmed. I have stopped trimming now and wondering if one side will look different than the other. Also, how can i keep from having my moustache not coming over my lips? Thank you for your precious time.


Sat Sri Akal,

After your beard grows back to its natural length, both sides will look the same. It might take a while for both sides to look equal, but eventually they will (this does not mean that you can shave or trim the longer side to make it look the same!). I am glad that you have stopped trimming your beard, keep up the good faith in Sikhi, soon your beard will be full and normal.

For the second part, for the left side of your moustache use your left and for the right side use your right hand to do this: use your first two fingers and put your middle finger on your upper lip just below your moustache and your index (first) finger on top of your moustache and squeeze your fingers (so that your moustache is being squeezed by the sides of your fingers). Now, while still squeezing your moustache, pull your fingers away (linearly away from your nose) while at the same time twisting them to give your moustache an upwards lift. Do this regularly (once an hour) and soon your moustache will have a natural tendency to stay slightly upwards. This whole process takes about 1.5 seconds after you get used to it (I actually timed it), and you can do it anywhere or whenever your moustache gets in the way of your mouth.

Gur Fateh,

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