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Summary of Question:why the majority of sikh people who used to live in villages cuts their hair?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 1/20/2000 5:57 PM MST

My question is that why many sikhs people who lived in villages in india cuts their hair ? Because of not knowing the sikhism knowledge? Aren't there any kind of social program to tell them the right way ? Lack of money for funding? Lack of volunteers? etc. Please tell me about that.


Dear Bikram singh Ji,

This is a question that the SGPC has been mulling over for a while. They are concerned with the amount people who are cutting their hair in our religion. I dont know what they have done in India since I last was there. That is for a big part what this Forum is about. So that we can encourage people to not cut their hair and to live a good Sikh lifestyle. I think it is really just a question of pride. Pride in who we are and what it is we can achieve. This is a social program to do what you are talking about. I'm not able to tell you what is going on in India as far as this matter is concerned. I dont know if there is a lack of volunteers or of money. But it is definetly time to start fighting against the 84 reaction and put the deep problems of Punjab of yesterday behind and start working progressively again. We are into the next millenium, let's see that we get to the next one. Thank you


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why the majority of sikh people who used to live in villages cuts their hair? (01/20/2000)
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