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Summary of Question:sikhnet should have its free email service
Date Posted:Monday, 5/31/1999 2:17 PM MDT

fatheh ji

dear khalsa jee

it would be a a very nice idea if you people at
start a separate email service which would be free like others
like hotmail yahoo and etc

it would really be a pround moment to have a email address with [email protected]
and i believe others would also agree upon such a propasal jee

wahe guru jee ka khalsa wahe guru jee ke fatheh jee

p.s. (bool chugh maaf jee )

Sat Nam, ji. That's a very nice idea that you've suggested.

One small point for a reality check: It's very expensive to operate the kind of service that you're asking for. The companies you have named in comparison (such as Yahoo) are for-profit companies whose stocks are publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange. When people use those e-mail addresses, they are actually performing a free advertising and publicity service for those profit seeking companies (like Yahoo).

Now, it's true that for people like you and I to use [email protected] as an email address, we would also be promoting Sikhnet (and the Sikh way of life). However, Sikhnet is operated by a NON-profit organization which is supported by its members and various enterprises and organizations that donate money to Sikhnet so that it can provide more focused services on behalf of our Guru's mission to serve humanity.

So, in conclusion, it would also be very nice if you, as a great Sikh person, would become very successful and wealthy in the good work you do in life, by Guru's grace, and contribute lots of money to Sikhnet and other, worthy Sikh causes to make these good ideas you're having become a reality.

How's that for back and forth?

Many blessings to you,

Krishna Singh Khalsa

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sikhnet should have its free email service (05/31/1999)
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