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Summary of Question:Please Tell Me What I Can Do
Date Posted:Monday, 8/06/2001 11:26 AM MDT

sat shri akal

please tell me what i can do .

three or four back i had gone to my to meet my babhi
she run's a beauty palour . I was just surpirsed
to see that she also trim her hair .
when i asked her about it she told now almost 80 % of sikh girls trim there hair . she told me why dont i also get hair trimed
at bottom because she said now even sikh boys like sikh girl wiht trimed hair. I told her that i have to ask my parents she ok .
When i asked about to my mom.she why get it done.
now days every won is doing it. even my father dosent have
any objection on it
Please Tell shall i get my hair trimmed or not


It is very difficult to remain true to your values in this day and age. If you type in Hair in the Search, you will find many articles about why we keep our hair. The most important thing is for you to really think and meditate about the meaning of your hair for you. Guru Gobind Singh gave us a rehit for a reason. The hair has a purpose, but you have to believe in that purpose for you. I have my hair, I wear a turbin and bana every day, not just to Gurdwara but out in town and every where. I do so because I love it. I want people to see that I am a Sikh, I am a spiritual woman, I stand for my values.

I attended my 30th year high school reunion a couple of years ago. And, of course, I was wearing white bana, including my turbin. My old friends told me how much they admired me, because I was not afraid to stand for what I believe. In our "modern" times, we allow movies, magazines, TV shape our identity. But, who are you? That answer can only come from within. Meditate on who you are? What is your identity? Then, who you are inside can be reflected by the clothes you chose to wear, what you do with your hair, by your values and behavior. Look in the mirror. Are you dressing and acting for a movie star, your friends, or yourself (and God)? You will never be ultimately disappointed if you are true to your Self, serving your Highest, soul potential. It takes courage. You can do it. In His Name, GTKK

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