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Summary of Question:Amrit
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Sunday, 11/07/1999 2:00 AM MST

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh

In Singapore there is an amrit sanchar ceremony coming around. I don't know whether i sould amrit now or later. How can i decide whether i should take now or later. How do i know whether i am ready or not?

Can you please help me with these.
Thank You

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh.


Dear Jasdeep Singh ji,

The only thing that stops a person from taking Amrit is fear. You have a fear that you might not follow the set guidelines properly. You might be afraid that it is a step that you cannot take in life. Each person has a set of reasons why they cannot. Isnt it interesting that we all have something to show as areason as to why we are not prepared to take Amrit. There is always something that you have to do first or something you want to experience. The only way you will know if you are ready is if you sit down with yourself and decide. Make your decision and either do it or dont. It is that simple. If you do it you will see almost immediately if you are ready or not and you will know what it is that you were afraid of too. I hope your decision is the right one for you. Face your fears dont ever back down from them. I hope that this has answered your question. Thank You.


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